• Unlimited means more opportunities
  • Looking on the bright side of life
  • Realizing your ideas
  • Caring for young and old
  • Brands for living in bright colours
UPECO strives to give people possibilities to focus on things that are really important to them. We unite people and help them to move forward. We take care of adults and children. We create and release products that save people’s time and energy so that they can realise their most ambitious ideas and have a happier and brighter life.
The best way to describe a company is to present some facts and figures. Here are some of them:
UPECO — is a successful company. We have been in the seasonal market for 24 years, and have become a successful competitor to multinational corporations in our product categories.
UPECO — is a creative and evolving company. We are constantly developing and releasing new brands and products, and improving the already existing ones. Today our portfolio includes 18 brands and sub-brands in nine product categories.
UPECO — is a company of like-minded people with an open management culture and democratic management style. We cherish relationships within the company, and our operation is based on the principle of agreement at all corporate levels — from specialists to executive management.
UPECO — is an intellectual company. We prefer to keep our minds busy and constantly broaden our worldview. Thus we are able to think, work and evolve in different directions, and this gives us truly limitless possibilities for achieveing leading positions and success.
UPECO — is an innovative company. We strive to be innovators in every aspect — our products, management styles and our corporate culture. In order to achieve this we have implemented the Innoway innovation management process and built our own R&D centre with a unique laboratory. This helps us develop lots of new products each season and improve the already existing ones.
UPECO — is an effective company. We know how to achieve more with fewer efforts and investments, and we are proud that our production capacity is higher than the market median.
From distribution to in-house brands
The road to the leadership
One step ahead
Marketing as art
Change while staying true to ourselves
Accomplishment Energy
1995–2000. From distribution to in-house brands
UPECO started in the middle of the 90’s as a distributor of shoe care products. However the company moved forward from the distribution very quickly, and in 1997 began to develop its own brands in several product categories of the consumer market.
The first brand in the UPECO portfolio was Raptor which in no time created a competitive environment in the insecticides market and became a trend setter in this product category in Russia. Raptor offered natural and eco-friendly, unscented, green anti-mosquito plates that were widely advertised on the TV. The main character of the TV commercial at that time was a flamboyant green frog, and the slogan ran «Only the green is dangerous for mosquitoes and safe for people. Only Raptor green anti-mosquito plates. Without any scent. Approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia.» Success was right around the corner: the new product soon became a best-seller; and in a year, Raptor gained a leading position in the market. The brand has remained No.1 in this category to this day.
This milestone inspired our company to achieve even more. In 1998, a bright star — the Salton brand — emerged in the market of shoe care products. This brand was the first to enter the Eastern market and paved the way for cooperation with the world’s largest manufacturer — China.
2000–2005. The road to the leadership
The turn of the century marked active accumulation of expert knowledge in the sphere of development and manufacture of in-house brands and products.
In 2001, the company discovered a new focus area and launched a new brand called Forester that offered branded equipment and accessories for grills and barbecues. The brand contributed to popularisation of the culture of picnicking in Russia, making outdoor recreation activities more convenient, comfortable and stylish for everyone. During the same period the company started to develop a new line of repellents called Gardex that, after a successful launch, became a true market leader.
The success of the in-house brands opened the way to new markets (in 2004, the second representative office in Kyiv was established), and catalysed renewal of the company ideology on the whole. The focus shifted to the development of products that are beneficial to consumers and help them to enjoy their lives to the full in different everyday activities.
The new mindset and values required a change of the company’s name. The new name emerged as an abbreviation of the people community united by shared values: UPECO (United PEople COmmunity).
2005–2010. One step ahead
After the renaming of the company it was time to renew all its best-selling brands.
The first campaign involved a major rebranding of Salton when the brand got a bright new yellow colour scheme. This colour alluded to the origins of the shoe care industry (natural oils, resins, wax) and added joy, dynamics and energy to the brand image. The Salton rebranding triggered a change in the product portfolio policy; the company gained valuable experience in multichannel distribution management and started to treat the in-house brands with even more attention and care.
The Raptor brand was completely renewed too. The focus shifted from the idea of disinsection to protection of people from insects. It was a revolutionary concept in the international insecticide market that had never been used before. The two important awards — Confidence Brand 2007 and People’s Brand 2008 — proved the correct choice of a new strategy.
Gardex made a quantum leap too. In 2006, the sales growth was +30% compared to the previous year, which was attributed to the improvement of the already existing products and release of new products for kids. During that period, Gardex started cooperation with the Research and Development Institute of Disinfectology of the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, the leading research centre in the sphere of insectology in Russia.
At the same time, Forester set record after record. The brand got the first patent for a unique product — a charcoal grill with stiffener ribs. Around 200 restaurant teams from the seven largest Russian cities participated in the Forester Cup BBQ championships, and more than fifty thousand people attended the picnic festival. In 2008, during the celebration of the company’s anniversary, the UPECO employees assembled the longest charcoal grill in the world (101.4 metres). Thus Forester entered the Guinness Book of Records.
The company continued to build up the basis of its ideology — more possibilites for people. UPECO started to operate not as a business, but as a community of like-minded people sharing mutual interests, mindsets and values. Such an approach let the employees work and evolve in different directions with truly limitless possibilities for achieving success and leading positions.
2010–2015. Marketing as art
The 2009 economic recession influenced the operation of many companies and brands, but UPECO successfully overcame this challenge, and not only upgraded its leading brands but also launched products in new categories of the consumer market.
In 2010, two brands of air fresheners were launched. Breesal entered the market as a unique niche brand, and soon became the air freshener market leader in the category «Sachets» with a 49% market share. Deliss Auto shook the car air freshener market with constant innovations in technologies and design.
In 2013, a unique brand Racionika was launched. It opened a new innovative direction of healthcare and wellbeing products for UPECO. The Expel brand entered the market during the same year, adding the bio-activator category to the company portfolio.
The best-selling UPECO brands continued improving and strengthening their leading positions in the market. The main tools to achieve the consumer satisfaction were constant improvement of the already existing products, continuous release of new products and never-ending innovations. TV commercials were one of the main focuses too as the quickest and the most effective way of appealing to the consumer.
2015 — 2020. Change while staying true to ourselves
In 2015, UPECO celebrated two anniversaries: 20 years of being in the market and 10 years of the name «UPECO». The company reached this milestone with the portfolio of very different brands, including not only the Russian FMCG market best-sellers but also several great new products.
In 2016, Salton took the risk and launched a high-price sub-brand — Salton Expert, and for the first time its combined market share reached 31% which was 3.5 times higher than the market growth. Gardex continued to improve the whole range of products and launched, among others, an innovative sub-brand — Gardex Naturin with essential oils in the formulations. This sub-brand had so much success that in 2017, a new line of insecticides was added, and the market share doubled compared to the previous season.
Forester also discovered new horizons with sets of condiments, a children’s line, a mobile line which was convenient and easy to use even «in the wild», and also a new Soyuzgrill trade name in the mid-price segment. Our first «edible» brand, Racionika after only 2.5 years of operation has entered the Top-3, and even in the worst economic situation, when the largest players lose sales, it shows a considerable growth of 76%. And our first food brand Racionika in just 2.5 years of existence entered the top 3in a number of categories.
New challenges arising from the unstable and controversial routine stimulate UPECO to perform the internal revision and upgrade the corporate culture and existing ideologies. No matter how much the company changes, it always stays true to itself and continues on its pathway of creation and creativity in order to improve our everyday life. The core of the company’s ideology remains the same — it is unlimited possibilities for people. This is the only way to develop vivid and viable brands that are loved by millions and able to withstand any external hardships.
2020 — these days. Accomplishment energy
The pandemic is without a doubt a negative phenomenon, but exactly it opened up completely new opportunities for UРЕСО. Online sales channels have exploded, and the company has found another way to implement its vision of creating and delivering high-quality, in-demand products for consumers. Rapid development of the new e-com channel has begun.
2021 has been a breakthrough year. The swift growth of the team’s competencies in online marketing when working with marketplaces in six months led to a multiple increase in sales in all channels and set the pace for the active development of brands and introduction of the new products to the market.
For further maintenance and development of the creation and creativity atmosphere, the office has moved to a new location in Skolkovo. This modern space with a large amount of conference rooms, communication areas, with no-personalized workplaces, facilitates the dialogue and discussion culture, collegial decisions, creativity and brainstorming, and consensus. Working a significant part of the time without a fixed attachment to the office, employees have every opportunity for joint and group activity on the days of their presence.
2022 and 2023
The difficulties associated with the disruption of logistics and production chains give us additional energy to create the products that our consumers need. Over the past three years 343 new products have been introduced to the market and our all-season brands Bressal, Cleantech and Expel are showing explosive sales growth. Bressal is becoming the leader in the aroma diffuser segment in Russia. The company enters the face care market for the first time with Dr. Aesthetica. Explosive growth continues in the e-com channel which have made a catalyzing change across the company.
We look to the future with confidence. Modernization of business processes and technologies, rapid introduction of innovations, investments in advertising, united team — are our main factors for the future confident development.
We believe that a responsible entrepreneurial approach should be applied to all levels of business operations, and focus all efforts into realising this idea. Our business is based on the principles of external and internal cooperation that determine our decisions and actions.
  • We engage most skilled specialists creating a well-knit team of like-minded professionals that share mindsets, goals and beliefs.
  • We use all our potential to create and develop innovative products and brands. We constantly offer new ideas and test their viability.
  • We focus our creative and intellectual efforts on the creation of brands and products, and development of relations with our customers. We create all the necessary production and supply chains quickly and flexibly to suit our particular tasks using the experience, knowledge and skills of our partners.
  • We unite partners around the world based on a win-win cooperation principle. In partnership, we value shared interests, creative self-realisation, mutual benefit and commitment.
The UPECO team is capable of many things, and we are constantly learning something new. Yet there is some things that we do better than the others, and they determine our success:
  • We create and develop innovative products and brands with great leadership potential.
  • We develop an effective multichannel distribution management system.
  • We manage contract manufacturing building partnerships in the sphere of innovations and production.
The main achievement of our brands is the love and recognition of millions of consumers. Our own surveys and the data from independent research centres demonstrate the leadership and recognition of UPECO brands in the market.
  • Repellents
    Data: Nielsen, Retail audit, repellents market, Russia (urban + rural), National, April-June 2024
  • Insecticides
    Data: Nielsen, Retail audit, insecticides market, Russia (urban + rural), National, annual data 2023.
  • Shoe care products
    Data: Nielsen, Scantrack (urban + rural), shoe care product market, September-December 2023 + March-April 2024, including Salton Expert, Sport, Unimax.
  • Insecticides brand awareness
    Source: Ipsos Marketing,
    insecticide market study,
    Russia, July 2018.
  • Repellents brand awareness
    Source: Ipsos Marketing,
    repellent market study,
    Russia, July 2018.
  • Shoe care brand awareness
    Source: Ipsos Marketing,
    shoe care market study,
    Russia, December 2017.
  • Most purchased insecticide brand
    Source: Ipsos Marketing,
    insecticide market study,
    Russia, July 2018.
  • Most purchased repellent brand
    Source: Ipsos Marketing,
    repellent market study,
    Russia, July 2018.
  • Most purchased shoe care brand
    Source: Ipsos Marketing,
    shoe care market study,
    Russia, December 2017.
Our brands have won numerous awards in competitions and ratings, which also demonstrates professional and consumer success.
  • No. 1 Brand in Russia
    2008, 2010, 2012, 2014
    2010, 2012
  • Product of the Year
    2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
    2016, 2017
  • EFFIE / Brand of the Year
    2003, 2006, 2007
  • Superbrands
    2007, 2008
  • Confidence Brand
  • Moscow International
    Festival of Advertising
    2003, 2004
    2006, 2008
  • Favourite Baby Product
Although UPECO is known in the market for its brands, we have won a very special award that makes us feel exceptionally proud. In 2015, UPECO entered the TOP-11 of Russian employers according to Aon Hewitt and AXES Management, and took the first place in the FMCG segment.
The company’s internal engagement surveys that have been conducted since 2010 also show consistently high results.